Saturday, April 7, 2012

~~Happy Easter!~~

~Happy Easter!~I hope everyone will have a Wonderful day~I can't believe how quickly the months have flown by.It seems like it was just Christmas and now Easter is arriving!I also have great news~I am now on my new computer~it was a bit scarey at first but went smoother than I expected.I did lose all of my e-patterns with the switch but was lucky enough to retrieve them through my sent emails for etsy purchases~thank goodness!~NowI can focus on getting my new works completed for ebay auctions,schedualed for Sunday evening.I'll post new pics as soon as they are completed*~****QUICK UPDATE****There will be a delay for my ebay auction listings~~I was hoping to finish everything up in time but it just wasn't possible.I have a panda that was to be on ebay this evening and at the last moment(this morning!)I decided he needed his own jack in the box to complete his theme~ it turned out to be a bit more tricky to make than I expected.The good thing is it turned out to be adorable having a tiny panda in the box itself, making the panda theme"play"stand out so well.I will also have a smaller 6 inch standing kitty with his little teddy tucked under his arm and a sweet prim bunny wearing a little bell.All will be listed Monday and I will be back with photos then*~*Happy Easter!

1 comment:

 Photos of new special order kitty.