I hope you all had a wonderful christmas and a very happy holiday!I also want to wish everyone a safe and happy new year!Also a big thank you to those who sent me such lovey e-cards and well wishes~~~~it was so nice of you!I'm sorry that I haven't been in to post much lately,but it has been hectic on my end since thanksgiving.2011 will be off to a busy start for me,time to catch up on all of my back orders that I couldn't get completed,a few bears to be finished by mid January to send to Felicia for her upcoming show(yikes thats soon!)and plan on what creations I will be making for the teddies worldwide blooming bear show in March.I can't wait to attend this online show as I missed out on the first one,not having any pieces ready at that time :(.I was also hoping to finally get a chance to work on my pattern line but I will have to be put that idea on the back burner again until I can find time to concentrate on making patterns only.I'll be sure to post as soon as I get some new creations started and have a fun and safe evening!~~~~HugsxxxxxxSharie