Thursday, February 19, 2009

New line of Mini Bears&Friends coming in March!

Hi everyone! I thought I would share some photos of my latest addiction~~~~mini bears & friends!I haven't created any wee-kin styles in sooo long I couldn't resist creating a new design.I must say creating them is so much fun,I find it a bit addicting.These little cuties measure in at a wee 5 inches,which is mini for me! They will be making their debut in March and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do creating them.~~~~HugsxxxxSharie


  1. I am new to blogging and surfing my interests. I came upon your Blog and am tickled, for I recognize your work! They are adorable.

  2. I love those minies Sharie
    They are just too cute.
    Hugs Tina

  3. Thank you for the nice compliments melglid! Thanks Tina,I'm soo happy you like them and I will propably have at least 10 done by March 1st... as I enjoy making them so much...giggle!HugsxxxxSharie


 Photos of new special order kitty.