Sunday, September 23, 2012

More pics of bears~now on ebay~


Sweet Pea~ADOPTED~

Oreo kitty~ADOPTED~

Snickers kitty ~ADOPTED~

Well my update went pretty well~not as smooth as I had planned due to glitches and then no internet connection but I guess it could be worse.All of the kitties have been adopted but three bears are still waiting for a new home*~*Please visit my ebay auctions  if you would like to see more photos and descriptions.New kitties will be in the making soon(one is now in progress*~* pics coming soon)~~~Sharie


  1. oh my gott, i like your bears and the cats too. i am happy to found so a wonderful blog . look at my blog again please. hugs from sylvia by the mäsywi-bären


 Photos of new special order kitty.