Original folk art kitty doll |
Its been a busy week working on new designs and some revamped old designs for my next update.Above is a very antique looking kitty,snow white for now without any shading or tabby stripes.She is a new design with a seperate head attatched to the body.Next is my antique style bear,like Maxwell but with a plumper three piece design body.I wanted this new body for him as I tend to make the bodies a tad too thin,then find I have problems with the bear being able to sit once the legs are attatched.This plump fellow will have no problems sitting on his own*~*And the last pic is one of my art doll kitties from a couple of years ago.I am also revamping this design,leaving out the hand painting and focusing on using printed fabrics in all different color themes for spring~fall~Halloween~Christmas and clown styles.There will be kitties,pandas,old time bears and other teddy friend styles.These will be available on a weekly basis in my etsy shop.I have some in progress and will post some pics as soon as I find time.You may have noticed I closed my Big Cartel shop for now.I just find it too hard to have an etsy shop,ebay auctions and a seperate web shop.If I had a clone I migh have been able to pull it off lol.So thats it for now but I will post new works soon.~~~~Sharie