Hi everyone!Time has once again flew by since my last post and I am sorry about that.I have been consumed working on new designs while trying to complete special orders,8 due this month!I am also currently working on a new smaller 7in kitty design which will be fully jointed and sweetly dainty.I also have some new supprise kitty designs to share with you once they are completed(hint...shabby chic).Also during my time away I have finally been bitten by the Blythe doll addiction!I knew it would happen eventually by seeing these sweet dolls on Etsy and on flickr,so I did some research and found them too be quite expensive so I opted for the clone to customize,the Basaak doll.Well I couldn't stop at one,so I ordered two(as shown in their auction pics)a brunette and a redhead.It will take a couple of weeks for them to arrive and I feel like I am adopting children,I can't wait to see them in person!I also have a little vent I need to share about someone who is getting very close to my style of designs.I guess that I felt a bit hurt by this as this person is someone I have great respect for.I wont mention names but I have this person on my blog list here and when I visited that blog I have to say I was shocked,but will leave it at that....for now.I know that my work and style has been around long enough for people to look at my designs and automaticly associate that this is indeed my style.So that being said,I will be busy working to finish my new designs and special orders and share their photos once they are completed.~~~~~Sharie