Thursday, March 11, 2010

~~~More updates on works in progress~~~

My goodness the time flew by so quickly since my last post!I'm happy to say the clown kitty and doggy are nearly completed(pics in my last post below)and some new kitties and bears that I didn't get the chance to take pics of are also nearly completed!Also expect to see some new mini 5.5 bunny rabbits,bear&kitties making their debut within the next couple of weeks.They will be simular to the pic I posted here,which was from last year.I have also been planning on how to list my bears&friends along with some fun folk art pieces on a monthly basis.Believe me it wasn't easy ,but I think I have finally found a way to make it work!I would like to offer my teddy bears and friends in my etsy shop the first half of the month(two weeks)then for the last half of the month offer my folk art pieces which would include my prim bear,kitty,bunny and panda desings on cloth or painted bodies,sweet little hand painted cloth folk art dolls,this would include bunnies and kitties in dresses and maybe some original paintings and prints.I will also list at least once a month on ebay and try to list some creations in my webstore now and then.Of course I still want to be able to offer my patterns and supplies in the future,but that will still take some time since I am only one person lol!I guess I always have too many projects going on at once and can never find time to get everything done that I would like to.I will be back soon with the pictures of the newly finished gang~~~~Sharie

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 Photos of new special order kitty.