Hi everyone,I thought I should pop in to let everyone know I am okay and kicking(all though a bit stiff and sore hehe)The reason I have been absent is due to a major de-clutter,rummage sale and organization project topped off with a horrific storm.I had no idea it would take this many weeks to try to clear out and organize but I am determained to get the job done once and for all!Little did I know what I was in for during this major process.As I had wrote in previous posts,I had been a die hard crafter for many years and this meant several craft shows during the year along with a rented booth in a major craft mall,so this included a large amount of supplies.Over the years I devoted my time to bear making so I quit the shows and last year closed my booth.What I was stuck with was plastic tote containers piled to the ceiling in all the closets in my house leaving no room for clothes and the normal things that should be in a closet.From muslin doll bodies to dried florals,material,potpourri,soy wax and hundreds of craft bears for wax dipping,I had it!My sister's neighborhood was having their yearly rummage sale so I thought it would be a great way to unload some of this clutter.the sale was to be June 19-20-21 so there was only one week to prepare. It was constant work lugging boxes and containers for the sale including tables,crates making signs and so on it was quite the job.The forecast for the weekend wasn't looking so great with a chance of severe weather for the first day of our sale being Friday the 19th.We thought no problem,everything is set up in the garage and we can close the door if it got too bad.Well,it did get bad!It rained so hard we could hardly see out the windows.The rain did die down in the afternoon,but by the looks of the sky we knew more storms were on the way so we closed the sale for the day and I headed home.No sooner than I get in the door and turn on the tv,there were severe warnings in our area with funnel clouds spotted.And just like that the thunder wind and lightning came with the sirens blowing and the only way to describe it was like a monsoon.Then poof,no lights,phone tv nothing,and no basement to go to and no cell phone!I grabbed my weatherband radio and the only flashlight I had in the house and sat scared to death wondering if my relatives were okay and would we survive this storm.I watched in horror as my yard filled with flood water within 20 minutes.I live in a flood zone so this made it even worse.All of the city and county were flooding as were the roads so there was no where to go.It was a relief when the storm settled(which felt like an eternity) but all the flowers I planted and my new solar lights I purchased were under water.Once the lighning stopped,I went in the yard up to my knees,got the solar lights , washed them,then put them in the house for lighting.The power finally came on near midnight and it was like a treat to have it back!Believe it or not we continued the sale Sat&Sun with unbearable heat and humidity and a few damaged items that were soaked from the rain but at least we survived the horrible storm and were able to enjoy a few laughs about everything that happened during this rummage sale that we will never forgot in our lifetime.I am still busy re -organizing things and have been making trips to the goodwill to donate the items that didn't sell but things are coming along smoothly now and getting rid of all the clutter is a great feeling.I couldn't help but wonder why in the world did I think I had to keep all of that stuff but boy I am glad it's gone!My eldest son moved out so I now have that cute country bedroom filled with childrens antique furniture I have wanted to display for years along with a new loveseat and coffe table set for the frontroom so I guess it was totally worth all the work and storms it took to get it that way.I will be focusing on making new bears and friends very soon and I will update on their progress as soon as they are in the making.~~~~~~Hugs.....Sharie