Saturday, November 17, 2018

New bears and friends available plus mailing list nightmare

New antique style bears,kitty cats,bunnies and a sweet little dog are all available for adoption:)
I have listed them in three locations : my website
my etsy shop  and the wee one on ebay
This has been one of my most difficult updates that I have ever encountered due to a huge problem with my Bravenet  mailing list subscribers.There is a new DMARC policy in effect for emails that will bounce all emails out and this is what happened to me! All 65 subscribers did not get my update.I resent it the next day through my gmail address but only 9 were allowed to go through.Today I went through every subscribers email address and added them all to my contacts.I will try to re-send the update and hope it goes through this time.If you are reading this and are on my mailing list and do not want to receive them anymore,please contact me and I will remove you.So thats it for now and I hope you find time to visit the teddies:)


  1. I use Mailchimp for the last two years for my newsletters and my only regret is that I didn't start doing it years ago. After struggling with blocked addresses, and keeping the mailing list current for years, this is working like a charm.
    And I LOVE your palm-sized animals!

  2. Thank you Megan! I do have Mailchimp but it was used for my old etsy pattern site.I need to figure out a new way to use it for other sites:) Thanks again!


 Photos of new special order kitty.