I have been busy again working on new designs once again!I am focusing on traditional antique style bears ranging in wee sizes of 5.5"and 6" along with 7&8 inch larger sizes.The little old style bears shown with dolly are made from felt(left)and mohair(right).They feature my signature one piece body style with the look of being jointed(not an easy task lol!)I just love the way they turned out and will be focusing on this main style from now on,along with some of my older prim jointed styles.Also in progress is 2 terrier style dogs,one like Toto from the wizard of oz,and the other a shaggy wire haired variety.there is also a pink shabby kitty and panda bear.I will be back with more pics once they are completed.~~~~HugsxxxxSharie~~~~(please note I had to erase my first post because blogger went haywire!so sorry about that)