Hi everyone,I hope your having a wonderful Halloween!It used to be my favorite time of the year when my sons were young,we always had such fun.Now they are grown so of course there is no more trick~or~treating but still good old scarey movies to watch on tv.It is so nice to finally be back online and in the blogging world.I had to take a brief break after my big 12 bear/kitty and special orders in my last big etsy shop update.If anyone had read Kelly's blog(a stuffed life) post about not taking special orders,you really should have because this was great advice on learning to say no.....nicely to custom orders.It just gets overwhelming to keep up with these types of orders and if anything comes up,like it did for me you find yourselve so stressed out not getting the bears finished and listed on time.Not only did I take a little break but the thing that came up to push me behind schedual was what started as getting a new bedroom set.It was exciting at first,but with the work that was going to be done.....painting the walls and removing our OLD carpet we discovered water damage to the floor which needed to be repaired asap.Cutting into the floor we accidently cut the cable line,so that also had to be repaired....ughhhh what next.My youngest son helped put new wood pieces into the damaged areas and helped with the painting,but when it was time to install the new tile flooring he was called back to work,so I layed it myself!I have to say I had never done this before but had seen it done many times so I gave it my best shot and it turned out perfect.....yippee!I am just glad everything is put back together and the new bedroom set is just beautiful so it was worth the grief.I chose a black sleigh bed and just love it as I had always wanted one so bad.As for my special orders that were not completed I think I will sadly have to cancel some of them.It won't be easy but it's only fair to be honest and not keep everyone waiting.From now on I will do like Kelly and nicely say~*no*~to custom requests.Well it was nice to post again and will be back soon with some new creations to share.Have a great Halloween!~~~~Sharie