I am happy to announce the gang is completed and all are now available on ebay auctions!Whew....what a day it has been getting their pictures all taken then getting them listed individually on auction(an all day event!)but I am glad they are finished.I have decided to open my ebay store and list all of the bears and friends in auction vs buy it now due to my sister having surgery this week,I will be checking on her on a daily basis.I also thought the auction format might be a nice change from the usual direct purchase.Okay,lets meet the gang!We have Butterscotch a yellow tabby who was the white before kitty~~~Rosalee,the pink tabby kitty I didn't have the chance to post updates pics of~~~~Rex,a super sweet bunny rabbit who was also white before his completion,Lolly&Paully my new super little 4.5 minis pictured together in the box and last but not least Rascal another mini panda measuring 5 inches tall in a beautiful aqua blue color.He reminded me of a raccon so thats why I decided to name him Rascal.So there we are,the whole crew and I hope you enjoy them!You can view all their auctions by clicking on my ebay link on the right.Biggest beary hugs!~~~Sharie****Update~~~The auctions have ended and all the bears and friends will be off to their new homes soon!~~~Sharie