I have some fun folk art pieces now in my etsy shop,very different than my usual bears and friends!I have always wanted to offer some of my artwork on etsy so I finally took the plunge and listed some pieces last night.Some of the new designs include a pink art doll kitty who was inspired by my collage"a day at the circus",and to make this kitty match the theme,her face is hand painted muslin.I also have a new design called the polka Dotty series which is fun animals that have a painted cloth body with lots of polka dots to make them fun pieces.I also managed to finish the two folk art dolls that I took pics of months agao in progress.There is also a kitty angel collage holding her Annie doll and I am delighted to annouce my Big top Tommy kitty painting sold!(pic above) I have to admit I was leary to list in the art category,as it is not my norm,but I was sooo happy someone liked my painting enough to purchase it for their home.I am also working on some white mohair bunnies and bears and will be back to share some of their pics soon!~~~~Sharie