Thursday, August 14, 2008

More kitties&bears in the making

I thought I would share the photos of my other can'dee kins and kitty that are currently in the works!As you can see,they are not completely finished but I am taking every chance I get to do more work on them.I am very happy with their progress and love the way they are turning out!I added a close up of the tabby kitty so you could view him up close!I will post their pictures again when they are completed.xxxxHugsxxxxSharie


  1. Oooh I love your stuff! I will have to add you to my blogroll! I will definitely have to have one of your pieces at some point.

  2. Thank you for your nice compliments!I will be sure to add you to my blogroll also!HugsxxxSharie


 Photos of new special order kitty.