Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New Teddy Creations Now On Ebay:)

I'm a little behind with my updates but am happy to say I have completed new bears and have listed them on Ebay for a five day auction all at buy it now. I didn't post a lot of pics here but there are many to view on each teddy's listing. My link is here: Ebay auctions Thank you for stopping in to have a peek at my teddies and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy Holiday*~~* xxxx Sharie


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Sharie! Sorry I deleted the last entry! Made a mistake! I just wanted to thank-you for putting me on your blog! I have recently changed my name and was wondering if you can change the url so people can connect to me! sarajnokuma.blogspot.com.au my old address pillowbearsanddolls.Thanks Sharie!

  3. Hi Sharie! Sorry I deleted the last entry! Made a mistake! I just wanted to thank-you for putting me on your blog! I have recently changed my name and was wondering if you can change the url so people can connect to me! sarajnokuma.blogspot.com.au my old address pillowbearsanddolls.Thanks Sharie!


 Photos of new special order kitty.