Friday, February 4, 2011

*Pics of new antique style bear designs in progress*

Hi everyone!I finally found time to take some pics of my new teddy designs in progress.They are all antique style and will be fully jointed.I have added lots of photos to try to show their size and their sweet antique look.To give an idea of sizes,the white teddy mearsures just 5.5"tall and the tiny kitty is a tad under 4.5".The blonde bear is 6.5 as is the fluffy beige tan ted.I am really pleased with this design so far and plan to make many more in this style.I will be working hard through the weekend in hopes of having a pair listed on ebay and some in my etsy shop next week.I hope you like this new design as much as I do!Hugs~~~~sharie


  1. They looks so soft and kind, I really love them! Your new bear design looks great!!!

  2. once again you have excelled luv them especially picture 3 he really wants to come home with me Sue

  3. This is only the second time I've come to visit your blog. I have just opened my own little whimsical consignment shop and it's kept me twirling let me tell you!

    I took the time to look back in your blog at your bears and life and I'm so sorry to hear of your brothers passing. How tough life is at times. Sending compassion to you, even though I'm a stranger to you.

    If you are ever interested in putting your sweet goods in my shop please let me know. I can be reached at

  4. Thanks so much everyone~~~~it makes me so happy to know you like the new designs!And thank you Jacqueline for taking the time to visit again and leave such a kind comment.It sounds like your shop is very lovely and unique.~~~~sharie


 Photos of new special order kitty.