Just a quick post about these wonderful little Burlison bears sale on ebay!I couldn't believe how low these sweeties were priced and they end in about 7 hours so please do have a peek at them.Here is the link to all the auctions http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/burlisonbears I just wanted to share this with you because Eliza is such a sweet person and wonderful bearmaker,I think her work should be shown in public more to recognize her darling little creations.As for me,I have been busy as always!My birthday was Sunday and I woke up to 8 inches of sloppy heavey snow(thank you spring....ugg!)The good news is most of it has melted away after the cold pouring rain from Tuesday.I have some new works in progress that I can't wait to share with you.I designed new patterns....all fully 5 way jointed with an added technique to the head to give more dimminsion and I am so pleased with the way they turned out.One is a pure white kitty cat with crystal blue eyes and honestly I am amazed at how realistic her face is....I expect her to meow at any given moment hehe!Sticking with the white theme is a white polar bear type teddy with a sad puppy dog expression.Also for my folkart is a painted muslin panda bear /plaque with a matching painting.I will try to get new pics posted on my teddy&folk art blog as soon as I can.Thank you for taking the time to stop in~~~talk with you again soon~~~~Sharie ***Here are some new bunnies just listed from Burlison bears.....aren't they sweet?!***New update 4/15/09~~Eliza of Burlison Bears just started her new blog!~~~You can visit her by looking at my blog list to the right of the page~~~HugsxxxxSharie~~~
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